1.9 is here!

We have officially moved over to 1.9.  I’ve gotten the witch farm and portal gold farm fixed but the guardian farm is going to take a lot of work.  Probably will take this time to completely redo the item sorting area as well.  The item elevator we need to use doesn’t fit in its current configuration anyway.  So far I’ve only seen one bug with pistons causing possible phantom block duplication.  It’s already been logged and fixed so I’m hoping it doesn’t break anything else before the first patch comes out.

Time to remake the Witch Farm yet again…

With the changes in 1.9 the shifting floor design no longer works.  Time to upgrade it to a water pushing design.  Here are some pictures before the tear down.  The storage building doesn’t need any changes at least.


WitchFarmStorage 1.8WitchFarm

We may have a winner

This one seems to be the main item elevator people are using now.  It uses some redstone but no clocks.  It handles large amounts of items coming in super fast and doesn’t have the issue of items being rocketed into the air that some new designs have.  Need to do some more testing but this looks to be the design we’re going to have to use.



After a bit of a break from Minecraft I’m back working on the amusement park.  Currently making a needlessly large and complex maze underground.  PopupMaze

Chunk errors everywhere

Server is all kinds of messed up right now. My brother’s player file won’t read. Chunks are all jacked up and server settings were wrong.

